CrossFit Uckfield coaching staff are excellent teachers.  We see what you are doing well and what needs attention and we prioritise the elements that need to be improved so you get better as quickly as you can. We explain things clearly and take into account each individual’s learning style.  We understand that feeling safe, supported and informed are the best ways to get you to thrive in our gym.

“I love CrossFit because it really is for everyone - I haven’t found anyone yet who cannot access our workouts!”


Krish Stevens


Krish is owner and Head Coach at CF Uckfield and has been coaching for over 10 years - she is a Level 3 Certified CrossFit Coach, Level 2 British Weightlifting Coach, Level 1 Gymnastics Coach and Level 3 Personal Trainer with full DBS clearance. She has certificates in Functional Fitness, Bootcamp and Group Fitness and Pre and Post-Natal Exercise and Understanding Autism. She is also a wife and a mum to 3 grown-up kids. In a previous incarnation, she was a primary school teacher.

“What I love about coaching CrossFit is that I can make any workout accessible for any age and any ability”


Maggie Kane


Maggie is a Level 2 CrossFit Coach, a Level 2 British Weightlifting Coach and a fully qualified primary school teacher with full DBS clearance and a seasoned CrosssFitter. She coaches adult CrossFit classes, Olympic Weightlifting classes, Junior Hero Academy and Teens’ CrossFit classes, Home School Heroes and our special needs classes. Maggie is also our Sports Specific Kids’ coach, helping those competing in a variety of sports to support their training with targeted strength and conditioning. She has competed in a variety of CrossFit events and is mum and wife to an active family. 

What I love about CrossFit is the community - seeing people from all walks of life coming together to train. As a coach, I’m seeing first-hand how this community grows & benefits our members!


Alice Gothard


Alice is a Level 1 CrossFit Coach and a Level 4 Sports Massage Therapist. She coaches CrossFit classes and has a good eye - ready to help you improve your skills and get the most out of your training. She has trained through two pregnancies and so understands effective and appropriate scaling and modification of workouts firsthand!